Monday, February 18, 2008

Trip or Club Run Information

Trip Classification
The following trip classifications are a general guide to members who wish to attend or run a Club Trip. Members and their guests must ensure that they and their vehicle are capable of handling the type of trip designated. Note: Most trips will have sections that are rated differently.
A trip with little or no four wheel or off-road driving. It will normally involve an easy to get to camp site or picnic area on bush or gravel tracks.
A four wheel drive trip where low range will be engaged, but it is highly unlikely that any recovery will be necessary.
A trip where sections will require careful driving to negotiate the track and in some circumstances, recovery may be necessary. Members’ vehicles must be equipped with front and rear recovery points and should carry at a minimum a snatch strap and an appropriately rated D shackle (preferably 2).
A difficult trip where recovery (snatching, winching or towing) is more likely to be required. Members vehicles must be equipped with front and rear recovery points and should carry at a minimum: a snatch strap and D shackle (preferably 2); and preferably a winch. The Trip Leader has the discretion to refuse entry to any vehicle believed to be unsuitable or member with insufficient experience for the trip.
Trip Record
Trip Leaders will normally complete and report on the Trip. This provides details on the trip departure location, planned route, trip classification, participant sign-on and sign-off and final destination. Members are required to cooperate with the Trip Leader by ensuring they sign on prior to trip departure and sign off at the conclusion of the trip. Members are also required to attend and listen to the Trip Leader’s briefing and follow the Trip Leader’s instructions throughout the trip.

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